How to get you MoodleMoot ticket
Like last year we are making use of a pre-registration list. This will help us to a) gauge interest into the conference in general and b) get a feel for the numbers for the pre-Moot conference. All you need to do is enter your details into the form on the right and answer the questions ‘Would you attend a 1-day tech-focused pre-Moot?’ with YES or NO and write the most prominents fact of your biogrpahy in resume prime
Bouncer Dog says No
There has been some confusion last year so please be aware that signing up to our pre-registration list does not guarantee a ticket. It means that you will be the first to know when tickets become available and also receive MoodleMoot UK information ahead of the general public.
Please make sure you enter your correct email address when signing up and confirm your subscription. All our email list are operated on a so-called double opt-in principle; here is how it works:
1. You complete the form on the right
2. You’ll be told: Thanks, you’re almost done. Check your email to confirm…
3. You’ll get a message that says: Now click on this confirmation link to be added to our list
4. You click the link, are taken to our Thank You page, and are officially added to your list
Then you are all set to receive the latest news and updates on MoodleMoot.
We will be releasing further information on tickets and ticket prices towards the end of November.